Back in March along with the launch of HTC premium flagship HTC One M8, the company also launched its brand new Dot View cases. However, for the moment, the Dot View cases are sharing their compatibility only with One M8 whereas recent reports show that the Taiwanese giant is planning to bring these trendy cases to more of its handsets this year. Moreover, it’s not one or two but a bulk of handsets which are likely to get this Dot View compatibility.
Based on the latest image released by @evleaks, the “Dot View Premium” cases will be compatible with M8 Ace (HTC One E8), W8, B2 and Eye. However, the HTC W8 and HTC Eye are yet to get confirmed from HTC but it is being said that HTC W8 could be the first Windows Phone 8.1 smartphone from the company. Well, the HTC Eye could be the next Android-based “selfie phone” from HTC that would compete against Sony’s recently launchedXperia C3.
Additional information reveals something about the “Dot View Standard” that is compatible with A51 along with the “Dot View Lite” that could work with the HTC A11 and the HTC A21. Now with so many devices to be coming up from HTC with a support for the “Dot View” cases, one thing is sure that the coming year for the Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer is going to much better. For the time being if you are unaware of the HTC One M8, get to know the details of the device here.