The first two smartwatches built on the Android Wear platform are launched yesterday. One is from LG, the G Watch, and the other is from its arch Korean rival, Samsung, the Gear Live.
Both smartwatches run on the Android Wear platform, and both of them have more or less the same software. Android Wear really does two important things, it moves app notifications to the smartwatch’s face, and it puts Google Now’s voice-powered search capabilities on user’s wrist.
Last week,Google has set up a section dedicated exclusively to apps optimized for Android Wear. The apps developed by Google are truly interactive because they’ve already enabled voice actions. For example, both SMS and email will let you send a reply right from your wrist.
Having Google’s Intelligent Assistant on the wrist is immense. It is precisely the kind of thing that makes sense on a watch, and Android Wear is wonderful for alerting you about things happening in the real world around you based on your location and digital history—so too is it on your wrist.
The LG G watch costs $230 which is  $30 more than the Samsung’s $200 smartwatch. Samsung has provided better build quality with a slight curved backside resting more comfortably on the wrists.The screen on the Samsung is also clearly brighter, but users need to charge both devices every day. LG is providing a better hefty docking cradle compared to Samsung’s plastic one.